Application has acknowledged and given this Privacy Consent
To assess your application(s) for credit, do you agree that ‘1300Carmoney’ ABN 82 460 997 432.
(1) use your personal information to collect information from credit reporting bodies and others about your credit worthiness (consumer and commercial) and commercial activities;
and (2) exchange information about you with us (as your broker) and with other credit providers
The “1300Carmoney” privacy policy is available through privacy. The privacy policy contains further details about the credit reporting bodies we use, the information we share with them and your rights in respect of information they hold.
Appplicant has acknowledged and given this Electronic Communication Consent
I consent to receiving any information, document or notice in relation to my application or loan agreement with NFAL including without limitation by email to the email account nominated in this application (to the extent permitted by law). I will regularly check my nominated email account understand that i may not receive a paper copy of the relavant information and i may withdraw my consent at any time.